Book Now

Please use the form below to place an enquiry or to look at the potential of booking your pets flight/flights, with us. Payment can be made via direct credit, or credit card (We accept Visa and MasterCard).

We will be in contact with you shortly to go through your flight booking, confirm payment and book your flight/s. If you would like to call us directly, we can be contacted on 021 925 592 during business hours, or email us on

Please note:

Transhipping Domestic Pets will not be booked for carriage on weekend services where the final sector departure is after 3pm.

Where a Domestic Pet flight booking involves more than one sector, there must be a minimum of one hour (60 minutes) between arrival and departure of the sector/s.

Please ensure you fill the form in correctly as making changes once booking is complete will incur a change of booking fee.

All bookings are not confirmed until a minimum of 72 hours prior to the departure date.

See Air New Zealand Flight Schedule HERE

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